Recently Adopted Standard Rex Rabbits Near Cobb County
2 Rex bonded bunnies
Bonded bunnies. They both are sweet. The female is a Standard Rex (7 mo) and the male is a Mini Rex ,(14 mo). They both love to be petted.The only down side is neither likes to be picked up. Though if you have to he is easy to pick up because he is smaller. This is actually very normal bunny behavior. They are both litter box trained! They come when you call their names (most of the time, she is better than he is). They also come when they hear the drawer or container open where I keep bunny treats.They both free roam inside my house (where I have bunny proofed as much as possible) except at night. They also enjoy time free roaming on our enclosed screened porch. Re-home fee $145 (I paid $175 to get him fixed and $200 to get her fixed) We live in West Cobb, 10-15 mins from 1-20 exit, approx 15 mins from Six Flags, right at corner of Paulding and Douglas counties. Text only xxx-xxx-xxxx Or email xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxxView Detail