Recently Adopted Tortoiseshell Cats Near Sheboygan County
Tortie kitten
4 months old. Super sweet! She's small for her age and has her first booster shot. She will need her 2nd round of the booster. Gets along with my dog, medium sized and other cats. She comes the vet paper only. No toys or extra food. She's on kitten chow and used the cat box. She is not fixed or declawed. Reason for searching a new home for her is because she picks on my special needs cat and won't let her out of the basement into the house. She would do well with a couple, single person for companionship but NO SMALL CHILDREN! Teenagers would be a great fit. So if you have a younger cat that needs a playmate, she'd be purrfect! Her name is HarleyQuinn, Quinn for short. Any other questions, please ask. Pick up only! I cannot meet or deliver!View Detail