Felix is a darling tri-colored boy with a beautiful apple head and a short nose! AKC Regi..
Hank is a darling Fawn-colored boy with a beautiful apple head and a short nose! AKC Regi..
howie is a darling Fawn-colored boy with a beautiful apple head and a short nose! AKC Reg..
Freddie is a darling Sable-colored LONGCOAT boy with a beautiful apple head and a short n..
Felix is a darling tri-colored boy with a beautiful apple head and a short nose! AKC Regi..
AKC smooth coat APPLE HEAD, all white little BOY .Born on 5/16/16 and available now!Elmer..
AKC smooth coat APPLE HEAD little BOY. Born 5/15/16 and available now!This is his pet pri..
AKC smooth coat APPLE HEAD little BOY .Born on 5/15/16 and available now! Birth weight wa..