Pit bull puppies for sale. Born December 8th. They will be ready February 1st. They will ..
We have a beautiful all white puppy( with small grey spots on nose) male puppy. He has th..
We have 3 beautiful puppies that need a home!! We need to find them a home very soon. The..
We have a friendly, cuddly blue nose female pit bull puppy for sale and must go! She is 1..
We have 1 adorable, friendly puppy left!!! He has been around other dogs, cats, and child..
We have 1 beautiful puppy left out of six looking for a home. She have been around childr..
We have one calm, cuddly, male puppy left out of a litter of twelve. He is all black with..
We have an adorable, calm, all black puppy that has a white chest and tips on paws and ta..
We have 1 female and 1male who are lovable, playful American blue nose Pitbull terrior. M..