Francie is a Female Lavender Merle w/White and Tan MKGS. She is extremely rare. She has o..
Townsun is a boy, true lavender Merle w/brown eyes and he's very rare. Townsun is smart a..
Britsee is a Lavender Merle w/Gray eyes. She will chart about 6 to 7 pounds. Her dew claw..
Booboo is up to date on all of his shots. He comes from a very healthy blood line. He lov..
He is 9 weeks old and is the runt of the litter and very smart. Scrappy is Red w/Grey MKG..
He is 9 weeks old and is White w/red and Black MKG. Patcher is very smart and confident. ..
He is 9 weeks old and is White and Red. Jack is a mama's boy and he is very sweet. He wil..
He is 9 weeks old and is White w/ red and Black MKGS. and very smart. He will chart out t..
He is 16 weeks old and in excellent health. He has a Blue Blood line of Wolf Sable. He is..
She is 9 weeks old and in excellent health. She has a Blue Blood line of Wolf Sable. She'..
She is 7 weeks old and in excellent health. She has a Blue Blood line of Wolf Sable. She'..
He is 11 weeks old and he has the biggest personality and very smart and Sweet. He loves ..
She is 6 weeks old and very smart. She loves to wrestle and play hide and seek. She will ..
He is 5 weeks old and very smart. He loves to wrestle and play hide and seek. He will gro..
She is 5 weeks old and very smart. She loves to wrestle and play hide and seek. She will ..
She is 4 weeks old and very smart. She loves to wrestle and play hide and seek. She will ..
He will weigh 6 to 7 pounds full grown. His dew claws have been removed. Both of his pare..