This is Avery! Avery is beautiful brindle boxer with a white chest. She was born on May 1..
This is Casper. He was born on May 17th 2023 along with his 8 litter mates. Casper is a h..
This is Tyson. He was born on May 17th 2023 along with his 8 litter mates. Tyson is a han..
This is Iris. She was born on May 17th 2023 along with her 8 litter mates. Iris is a beau..
This is Brooklyn. She was born on May 17th 2023 along with her 8 litter mates. Brooklyn i..
Boxer pups This is River. She was born on May 17th 2023 along with her 8 litter mates...
Boxer pups This is Nola. She was born on May 17th 2023 along with her 8 litter mates. ..
This is Rousey. She was born on May 17th 2023 along with her 8 litter mates. Rousey is a ..
This is Mixey. She was born on May 17th 2023 along with her 8 litter mates. Mixey is a be..
Boxer babies! We have 6 more female boxers available for adoption on July 17th. We have b..
This is Toby! He is a9 week old reverse brindle boxer ready for his forever home! He come..