Danielle is 3 years old. Born 10/25/20. She has 21 champions in her pedigree. Shots updat..
Danielle and Rebel have 2 males available born 10/3. They have their first set of shots a..
Raven and Rebel have 1 male left. born 9/27/23. Puppies have 28 champions in their pedigr..
Nikeia is a one year old female born 05/03/2022. Reddish Gold and white. Microchipped. Ve..
Magic is a red/white female. 1 year old. Born 1/22/22. Microchipped. Shots updated, healt..
Marco is a tricolor male born 7/2/23. He has second set of shots and health certificate. ..
Tri color male born 6/21. Nico has 2 sets of shots and health certificate. AKC. Has Ukrai..
Red male with black mask. AKC. Ukraine champion lines. Kona has 27 champions in his pedig..
Rebel is a gorgeous red and white male imported from Ukraine. He is AKC registered and ha..
Stormy is AKC registered and has 20 champions in her pedigree. She is very lovable and ge..