Recently Adopted Yellow Watchman goby Fishes
To good home
Very sweet and loves attention. She is about the size of fat grape. Her favorite food is shrimp.View Detail
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Very sweet and loves attention. She is about the size of fat grape. Her favorite food is ..
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Full cream boy absolutely wonderful temperament. Ready to meet the love of his life, all ..
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Welcome to PetzLover, your go-to resource for Yellow Watchman Goby Fishes available for sale in the United States. These delightful fishes are perfect for aquarium enthusiasts looking to add diversity and color to their aquatic environments.
The price of Yellow Watchman Goby Fishes in the United States generally ranges from $15 to $30, depending on factors such as the breeder's reputation and the fish's health. Always check for certified breeders to ensure you are purchasing a quality fish.
Typically, Yellow Watchman Goby Fishes reach a maximum size of about 3 inches in length and have a weight of approximately 0.5 ounces. Since their size is small, they are perfect for community tanks, making them a favorite among fish keepers.
As the name suggests, the primary color of the Yellow Watchman Goby is vibrant yellow, but they may also feature subtle hints of blue and white patterns that enhance their aesthetic appeal in your aquarium.
If you are looking to buy or adopt these fishes, be sure to check our listings above for the best deals from trusted breeders:
For more details, feel free to reach out to us at Happy fishing!
Very sweet and loves attention. She is about the size of fat grape. Her favorite food is shrimp.View Detail