Recently Adopted Stabyhoun Puppies
Stabijhoun puppies
Meet our stabij houn puppies they are one of the five ratest dogs in te world. We havre 4 males males availabl They originate from the Ntherlands. They are are loving companion. Their name name means stand by me. They can also be trained to be your hunting companion. The breed is great for families and children. They are very low maintenace dog no grooming required. The stud is also available for $2500 he is 2 years old. He has studded out 3 litters. This was our last breeding, we would like to see him stud out future stabijhounds in futureView Detail
1 Male Puppy Left.... Top 5 rarest breeds
My wife and I bred our favorite dog we have ever had out of a passion for the breed and desire to support this rare breed in a responsible way. It is the sweetest and most obedient dog we've ever had. We are looking for dog-loving owners who would be just as excited about owning a Stabyhoun as we are! Contact us if you'd like to meet Darby & her pups.
Although occasionally somewhat willful by nature, Stabyhouns are obedient, gentle, and patient dogs, who are deeply fond of their family, wanting to please their owners. He is both a soft-mouthed retriever and a pointer that is particularly useful for hunting ducks and upland birds. He is a fine retriever, and water work is one of his fortes. He is very sharp-eyed, owns a good sense of smell and aptitude, and works fast and efficiently.
This breed is a functional and powerfully-built pointing dog that originated in the Netherlands. The majority of Stabyhouns are black and white. The brown and white coloring is seen in the Netherlands, but the orange and white Stabyhoun is nearly extinct. The Staby’s build is such that it is greater in length than in height and similarly, the head shows more length than width. The feathering on his chest, collar, forelegs, trousers and tail gives the Staby the impression of being longhaired, but the coat is not excessively long. The Stabyhoun is considered to be an “all-around” dog, with abilities in hunting, retrieving, and pointing. They are also ideal family dogs because of their size and affectionate character.
Attached below are all the male puppies. Puppies to be placed at around 6 weeks, nothing definitive yet.View Detail