Recently Adopted Weimaraner Puppies Near Orange County
Weimaraner puppies PRICE REDUCED AGAIN
I have a litter of nine Weimaraner puppies born on April 9 which are currently five weeks old and are ready to go home to their forever homes on June 4. I have 2 males and 3 females left. All of the previous litters the eyes have remained blue. Their tails have been docked and the dewclaws have been removed they will also go home with the first shots from the vet and a health certificate. We are currently starting to take deposits of $300 and the total cost of each puppy is $650 They are absolutely beautiful I will update the pictures weekly and they make amazing companions and are a very intelligent breed. Please reply if interested or you can also text me at xxx-xxx-xxxx and my name is Larry.View Detail
Weimaraner puppies
I have a litter of eight Weimaraner puppies 4 males And 4 females. Three of the males are blue three of the females are blue and the other two are silver they are six weeks old born October 1 and they’ve been wormed, dewclaws removed and tails docked. They are beautiful puppies and both parents on site. Located in Orlando Florida. Please text for information. Taking deposits. xxxxxxxxxx.View Detail
Blue Weimaraner puppies
I have three beautiful blue females with sparkling blue eyes they were born on October 2 and are ready to go to their forever home on November 27 they have had their dewclaws removed as well as their tails have been dogs they have been wormed and will have shots and a health certificate before going home. I have both the mother and father on site and they are amazing pets very loving loyal and energetic. please text me at xxx-xxx-xxxx my name is Larry and then we can discuss it over the phone we are currently taking deposits. I am a real person please do not ask me to join a website or enter a verification code there are way too many scammers on the site and I am not one of them.Thank you and these puppies will not disappoint you I promise they’re greatView Detail
Blue Weimaraner puppies
I have a litter of three beautiful Weimaraner puppies all blue with blue eyes born on October 2 and are ready to go home November 27 dewclaws have been removed as well as tails have been docked they have been wormed and they will have first shots in a health certificate before going home. I have both the mother and the father and they are amazing pets very loyal very intelligent lots of energy and a lot of fun. Please text me at xxx-xxx-xxxx my name is Larry. I am a real person this is a real ad and please do not ask me to enter a verification code or any other nonsense just text me and We will call each other on the phone. I will not be bothered by scammers asking me to enter a verification code. If you’re interested please give me a text and we will continue our conversation on the phone they are absolutely amazing Puppies.View Detail
AKC blue Weimaraner female puppy
AKC blue Weimaraner. 3months old. All vaccines up to date. XL Kong crate included along with kong crate bedding and toy. She is potty trained, crate and leash trained. She is very good with kids and adults as well. Very sweet and intelligent. She is currently attending puppy training at Petsmart and then going to intermediate. Contact number Detail
Weimaraner puppy for sale
XL Kong Crate and toy included as well as kong crate bed. She is potty trained and crate trained. She has also started puppy training with Petsmart and will continue to intermediate traning as well.View Detail
Weimaraner Puppies(xxx) xxx-xxx0
Weimaraner puppies These pups are well socialised,used to children and other dogs. They have lovely temperaments and are looking for their forever homes. Vet checked , chipped and wormed and flexed(xxx) xxx-xxx0View Detail
Find a loving home
Ramsey will be 3 on July 7, he is also mixed with husky. He is very loving and requires attention. He is also very smart and energetic. If anyone is interested I can be reached at xxx xxx-xxx0.View Detail
Weimaraner Puppies for Sale
Weimaraner Puppies for xxxx.xxxxxxx via my email address. for more detailsView Detail