Recently Adopted White Shepherd Puppies Near South Carolina
Puppies for sale
2 female puppies. They are 8 weeks old on7/15/24. They are up to date on shots and worming. They are sweet girls looking for their forever home.View Detail
White German Shepherd Males
Three male puppies left. Born June 27, 7 weeks old now. Both mom and dad white german shepherd purebred but no papers. I have attached a picture of the couple. Pups have had first vet trip with shots and deworming. Vet has said the pups are ready to go to new homes. Cost is $1,000. Pups are near Auguata, Ga. Call or text: 70 six -9 ten - 338 three.View Detail
Sweet 2yr old
Foxy is a very smart and loving dog. She craves attention and will play as long as you want. She is sweet and gets along with kids, adults, and other dogs. It's been a while, but she loved our cat too, while she was with us. She was an indoor dog while until we got a house with a fenced yard. She obeys when called, stays in the yard when told to, will walk with you without running away, plays fetch, knows down, sit, go, and come. We did not register her, but she is purebred. We no longer have time for her.View Detail
Lovely White German Shepherd puppies
Lovely White German Shepherd puppies for sale. 12 weeks old male and female puppies available for sale now. They are raised in our home with our kids and other home pets. Mom and dad are owned by us. They are well socialized and healthy puppies and each puppy has all shots and warmings upto date. First 5 Serious buyers will have Free Shipping. Text me only at (405) xxx-xxxx. for more detailsView Detail
AKC White German Shepherds
AKC White German Shepherd Puppies. I have 1 female and 2 Males. Born 2/17/16View Detail
Locations Where White Shepherd Puppies are Available in South Carolina
Orangeburg County, Abbeville County, Horry County, Newberry County, Kershaw