Hi, im Becky. Im the owner of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx I am located at xxxx xxx-..
Adorable Yorkshire Terrier male
Will mature at about 4.5 to 5lb
Multi champion bloo..
These puppies are F1bb mini Golden Doodles. Born October 1st. Offering a pre-Christmas di..
Selling a boy fullbred mini yorkshire terrier. He’s 7 weeks. dewclaws removed, tails do..
Sweet Luca, is a loving and playful boy.
He is a beautiful sweetheart. I know you will f..
Beautiful chocolate parti male yorkie, ready NOW! Sweet as he can be . Freddie would make..
This is Betsy, isn’t she a doll? She is a beautiful sweetheart. I know you will fall in..
Small precious parti yorkie boy. Oscar is a cuddle bug, and love to play.
He would make..
These puppies are F1bb mini Golden Doodles. Born October 1st. Offering a pre-Christmas di..
This is a darling baby girl yorkie, ready NOW! Sweet as he can be , with that swe..
Tasha is a sweet girl and beautiful marked black and white Yorkie. She
will make a wond..
You will fall in love with this cute yorkie .
Scottie is a cuddle bug
Scottie would mak..
Girl hypoallergenic Yorkie puppy. 4 months old with all papers and all vaccinations. Come..
I have 6 male cocker puppies 3 black and white and 3 liver and white..
4 years old..puppy looking..Neutered, housebroken, UTD 4 years old, about #7, easy keeper..
ADORABLE 2 year YORKIE needs a loving and caring home. $650 REASONABLE OFFERS MAY BE ACCE..
2 year old adorable Yorkie needs ..
Here is Buster. He is UTD on shots and deworming. Located in xxxx. He would love to call ..
Purebred Tiny Yorkie Puppies for sale
Purebred tiny teacup Yorkie puppies.Text : Have y..
This little girl is 6 mos old and utd on vax. She does well with pee pads but loves to go..
Tank is an adorable boy, 6 mos old and has already been neutered. He is pad trained and h..
I have a3 month old yorkie that I call Cash. He Has All His shots and I have paper work ...
Mother- joelynn - from oldest beagle kennel in existence...xxxx - father- bloodlines date..
5 month old Yorkie female spayed shots registered has all papers. Loving playful bundle o..
5 month old her name is cardi. She very energetic and playful. She loves playing with a e..
Maybelline is less then a yeat old
She is paper trained and had her papers...
Maybelline is almost a year old. She is beautiful and active.She loves people and other d..
Have 3 puppies left. The female is 450, The 2 males are 400 each!tDON’T BOTHER REACHING..
Looking for a good home for Mars since our daily activities do not allow us to give him a..
Adorable Biewer Terrier male
Will mature at about 5lb
Multi champion bloodlines.Hom..
Liter of 6 puppies. All girls. 2 red. 3 white and tan and 1 all brown. All are very playf..