Recently Adopted Chihuahua Puppies Near Bucks County
Beautiful Chihuahua
Male short haired. Akc registered Tri colored His name is Luke. He has a very out going personality. He will be Vet checked with first shots. He is 6 weeks. He will be ready for his new home in 2 weeks. Text or call xxx-xxx-xxxx SusanView Detail
Puppies for sale / chihuahua mix
2 females 2 males $250 each Ready for the forever homes! ✨View Detail
Chihuahuas, tiny,unique colors.
Beautiful small female blue long coat Chihuahua. Apple head.Tiny but fearless!She is 5 weeks old. She will be ready for a new home in weeksShe has 1 year health guarantee against any genetic abnormalities. If interested text or call Susan xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
I have been grooming and Breeding for 40 years.The parents of the puppies are my pets.They are home raised and handled everyday.They are long and short coated. AKC registered. They are 8 weeks checked and health guarantee. Please contact me if interested. xxxx@xxx.xxxView Detail
Chihuahua Mix Puppy (2 months)
Looking for a Good + Forever Home for theses puppies. They were born on February 12th. They eat by their own (soft meals) Their mom got pregnant before getting fixed. 1 Male (short haired) Chihuahua Mix (Mom is half Schnauzer and Chihuahua) (Dad is Chihuahua) These puppies are supper playful the girl is shy and sweet. The boys are more outgoing. Not vaccinated yet.View Detail
Mix chihuahuas 4 ....3 girls 1 boy
I have 4 puppies chihuahua,king Charles,and terror mix really small and loveing dogsView Detail
Tea cup chihuahua yorkie
Baby n betty are true gems. Not quite 2 lbs of love n hugs n kisses. Looking for their forever home. Born December 2020. Tea cup chihuahuas yorkie females.View Detail