Recently Adopted Havapoo Puppies Near Grainger County
Puppy looving for its forever home
Male havapoo puppy. Brown and white. Is currently 7 weeks old. He is eating good and very playful. He has had his vet checkup and first shots and currently weighs 3.4 pounds. These are very loyal, loving dogs and love companionship. They get 8 to 10 pounds in weight. They are also hypoallergenic and do not shed. If interested, please message at or text xxx xxx xxx4.View Detail
Puppy looking for forever home
Female havapoo puppy. Black and white. Is currently 5 weeks old. She will be 6 weeks old on the 28th and go to her vet checkup and have her shots on the 28th. She is eating good and very playful. These are very loyal, loving dogs and love companionship. They get 8 to 10 pounds in weight. They are also hypoallergenic and do not shed. If interested, please message at or text xxx xxx xxx4.View Detail