Recently Adopted Puppies Near Dorr
Little Penny
This is little Penny; she is white with apricot ears. Her weight as of 03/19/24 is 3 lbs 4 oz she is very petite. She is a 100% toy poodle, she so sweet and loving. Her Mom is a black and white 6 lb. phantom, and her dad is a4 lb. black and white party. Both Mom and Dad are AKC and CKC registered, also have been Embark test. They are both our family pets. Penny's dew claws have been removed and her tail has been docked, she will have age-appropriate vaccines and warmings. She will be vet check with a one-year health guarantee. Penny is being sold as a pet and will come with CKC papers for AKC papers there is an additional fee. I do have referrals up on request. A $500 non-refundable deposit will hold this little sweetie for you. For more information call or text xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Little Amy
This is little Amy; she is white with flacks of cream. She is a 100% toy poodle, she so sweet and loving. Her Mom is a black and white 6 lb. phantom, and her dad is a4 lb. black and white party. Both Mom and Dad are AKC and CKC registered, also have been Embark test. They are both our family pets. Amy's dew claws have been removed and her tail has been docked, she will have age-appropriate vaccines and warmings. She will be vet check with a one-year health guarantee. Amy is being sold as a pet and will come with CKC papers for AKC papers there is an additional fee. I do have referrals up on request. A $500 non-refundable deposit will hold this little sweetie for you, for more information call or text xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
AKC Labrador Retriever puppies
Puppies almost ready for new homes. Both parents very calm and laid back and available on site to meet. Puppies will have up to date vaccinations, deworming and vet exams completed. This is our 4th litter with these parents and many happy previous buyers have come back for a second puppy or have had family or friends come for a puppy! Pups grow up to be great dogs! Please contact me for more info. Pups will be ready to go to new homes October 18 and are available to visit now. I have many pictures of past puppies as they have grown if you would like to see them.View Detail
AKC Labrador Retrievers
breeding family labradxr retrievers as family pets since 2xx8. we have xur 4th litter available nxw frxm the same parents and have had many pexple cxme back fxr a secxnd puppy frxm the same parents. mxm and dad are very calm and laid back with great temperament. chxcxlate, yellxw and black puppies available. puppies were bxrn august 2x and will be ready tx gx tx new hxmes xctxber x7. puppies will all have up tx date vaccinatixns, dewxrming and vet exams cxmpleted. please call xr message me fxr mxre infx. adult dxgs are pictures xf puppies frxm past litters with the same parents. chad at xxx-xxx-xxxx x x x x x x x x x xView Detail
AKC Labrador puppies
Raising Labrador puppies since 2008, this is our 4th litter with the same parents. Both parents are very calm and laid back and available on site to meet. Many buyers have come back for another puppy from the same parents or family members or friends came to buy a sibling. Pups have great temperament and personalities. Located in Dorr MI. Chocolate, yellow and black pups available. Contact me for more information. xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail