Recently Adopted Puppies Near Holton
American pitbull terriers
UKC registered Apbt 7 male ready in September and I have 5 10mos old females I am looking for forever home for. Text me for more pictures and infoView Detail
ASDR Australian Shepherds born June 7, 2023. Call xxx xxx xxx9
Charmer and Samantha have a litter of 5 adorable puppies. Both parents are ASDR Australian Shepherds. Charmer weighs 26 lbs and is 17" at the withers. Samantha is 22 lbs and is 15" at the withers. Puppies are in Holton MI, one hour north of Grand Rapids. To come meet the puppies, or for more information, please call xxx xxx xxx9. Puppies have been vet checked on 8-1-23 at Loving Care Vet in Fremont. They are utd on shots and wormer. Puppies can be registered with the American Stock Dog Registry. Maria is a red tri female. She is very active and loves to be with people. Melody is a red tri female. She likes snuggling when she's in your lap. Marsha is a red tri female. She is more timid but loves to be cuddled. sold Mahlon is a red merle male with two blue eyes. He's a snuggler and he loves to play. sold Myron is a red merle male. He is more timid, but very sweet.View Detail
Small Australian Shepherds born May 17th text xxx xxx xxx5
3 Adorable, purebred small miniature Australian Shepherd puppies, born May 17. Vet checked, dewormed, and 1st shots on 7/24. Father is Nate, a small miniature blue merle Australian Shepherd. He is around 17 lbs Mom is Rose, she is a small miniature black Australian Shepherd, around 18 lbs. Puppies are located in Fremont, MI. for more information, or to come meet the puppies, text xxx xxx xxx5 or email Tyler is a blue merle with a black ear. He is flashy with a lot of black on his body and white on his face. He has one blue eye. Tom is a blue merle with cooper on his face and legs. he has white stockings. sold Tosha is a black tri with half white face and half black face. She has a little cooper on her face and cooper legs.View Detail
Shiba Inu males, APRI. Born May 14th. Callxxxx
Three energic, loveable Shiba Inu males ready for their new homes. These little ones are located north of Holton, MI one hour north of Grand Rapids. They have been vet checked, 1st shots, and dewormed. They are APRI registry. For more information, or to come meet the puppies, call xxx-xxx-xxxx . If no answer, please leave a message and someone will return your call Tyler is tan and white. He is inquisitive and active. sold Trent is friendly and playful. He looks a lot like his brother. Toledo is white or cream with some tan over ear. He is friendly. He has a slight underbite, but no medical concern Also available is a2 year old female Shiba Inu. Emmy Lou is shy, but sweet. She is leash trained. Emmy Lou is only $375.View Detail
Purebred Miniature Australian shepherd. xxxx
MiniGirl is the last available puppy for adoption. Pending, Toygirl Priced reduced from $400. We have only 3 puppies left of these 2 litters; a miniature male, a miniature female, and a toy female. The two females appear to be about the same size, so I think the miniature will be a small mini. I have two litters of sweet little Aussies. The first litter has 5 puppies. They are small miniatures born April 21st. Father is a toy. Mother is 20 lbs. The second litter has 3 toy Aussie puppies. They were born April 28th. The father is a toy. The mother is a toy. The puppies were vet checked, 1st shots, dewormed on June 21st at Pleasantview Animal Hospital in Big Rapids. All puppies have intact tails. Most have white tips. To come meet the puppies and see if one is right for you, text xxx-xxx-xxxx or email I am located south of Fremont, MI one hour north of Grand Rapids. According to the internet: toys are 10 to 17 lbs (one site says 10 to 14.) Miniatures are 25 to 40 lbs. (What about puppies that are 18 to 24 lbs? are they minoys?) Standard are 40 to 65 lbs. Puppies run free at least once a day for their exercise. They are friendly, social, loving. When loose, they will come crawl in our laps. They are intelligent and will make a wonderful pet. Aussies need exercise, so they love walks, or playing with toys. But they also are loving, loyal pets that will stay by your side..View Detail
Purebred Australian Shepherds Call xxxx
Precious little miniature Australian Shepherds, born 4-23. Sire is Cedar Lane Charmer, ASDR registered Dam is Sandy Lane Betsy ASDR registered. Puppies were vet checked, 1st shots, and dewormed on 6-23. For more information, or to come meet the puppies, callxxxx. Puppies are located in Holton, one hour north of Grand Rapids, MI. Peter is a red tri. pending Paul is a red merle with a blue eye. sold Perry is a red merle with a blue eye. sold Pansy is a red merle. sold Pam is a red merle with blue eye. Email me if you want more pictures of a particular puppy.View Detail
AKC Golden Retrievers born May 7th. Call xxxx
Sweet little Goldens, born May 7th. Vet checked, 1st shots, and dewormed on 6/23. These precious little ones were born to Sandy Lane Diamond (sire) and Sandy Lane Rebekah (dam). Parents are AKC Golden retrievers. Puppies are located in Holton MI, one hour north of Grand Rapids. For more information, or to come see the puppies, callxxxx. If no answer, leave a message. sold Pearl sold Peggy Perry sold Pazia Perkin Patton sold Paris Palmer PhillipView Detail
ASDR Miniature Aussies Call xxxx
Seven sweet little Australian Shepherd Puppies; 5 boys and 2 girls. Parents are: Sire is Cedar Lane Charmer, a miniature Aussie. He is registered ASDR. Dam is Shadey Slope Lillie, a toy Aussie. She is registered ASDR. Puppies were vet checked, 1st shots, and dewormed on June 23. Puppies are located east of Holton, between Muskegon and Fremont, one hour north of Grand Rapids. For more information, or to come meet the puppies, please call xxx xxx xxx4 . If no answer, leave a message and someone will return your call. sold Lorun is a red tri male. sold Liel is a red merle male sold Lonnie is a red merle male with blue eyes and lots of white. Lenden is a red tri male. sold Luce is a red merle male with one blue eye. sold Lela is a red tri female sold Leah is a red merle female with blue eyes. For more pictures, email me and tell me which puppy you would like more pictures of.View Detail
Purebred Pomeranians born 5-16, pomskies born 4-29
Adorable pom puppies looking for their new forever home. They were born on 4-29-23. They are vet checked with 1st shots and deworming. Two males and one female Call today to meet your new best friend! xxxxxxxxxx. Puppies are located east of Fremont, MI one hour north of Grand Rapids. Puppies should mature at 7 lbs. They are socialized and love children. Parents are Tina and Oreo, purebred Pomeranians. One white female One white male one brown male ***************** 2nd litter are the sweetest little pomsky puppies born May 15, available June 26th. They are in search of their new home. These loveable little ones are 2nd generation pomskies and very playful! They are vet checked with 1st shots and deworming...Ready to go June 26th. 3 males and 2 females to choose from. They are socialized and love children. Parents are Rita and Oreo. Call today and meet your new friend! xxxxxxxxxx. They should mature at 15 lbs. $500.00 Email me for more photos of the puppies.View Detail
Purebred Australian Shepherd male born June 27. Call xxxxxxxxxx
Logan is a sweet miniature male puppy. He is a red merle.\ \ \ \ Charmer is the dad. Charmer is a purebred Aussie 26#. 17\\\" at the withers. He is registered ASDR.\ \ Cheesecake is the mom. She weighs 25#, 14\\\" at the withers. She is registered ASDR.\ \ Logan can be registered with ASDR.\ \ \ \ Logan has been vet checked, up to date on shots and dewormer. He was born May 2. He will be available on June 27th. \ \ Logan has a tail. he is very curious and playful. \ \ \ \ The puppy is located in Holton MI, between Muskegon and Fremont, about one hour north of Grand Rapids. For more information, or to come meet Logan, call xxxxxxxxxx. If no answer, leave a message.View Detail
Beautiful AkC Bichon Frise puppies, born April 14th. Parents are pu
Beautiful little Bichon Frise puppies, born April 14th. Parents are purebred pedigreed. Venice (dad) weighs 10#. He is registered with AKC. Jannette (mom) is 14# and registered with AKC Puppies are vet checked and have their shots and wormer. Puppies can be registered with AKC. All the puppies are socialized and active. They love to snuggle. They are located in Holton between Muskegon and Fremont, one hour north of Grand Rapids. For more information, or to come meet the puppies, call xxx-xxx-xxxx . If no answer, leave a message. Boys are: Jon is white and very friendly. Jeremy is white and snuggly. Girls are: June is white and apricot. Jana is a little white female. sold Jolene is white. Joyce is white and apricot.View Detail
Purebred Pomeranian female puppy born march 23, 2023. Call xxx xxx xxx
Janice is a sweet little purebred pomeranian born March 23. She has had her shots and vet checked and dewormed. Janice is very playful and use to playing with children. Her parents are 5 lbs each. She is located in Holton MI between Fremont and Muskegon, about one hour north of Grand Rapids. For more information, or to come see the puppy, please call xxxxxxxxxx. If no answer, please leave a message and someone will return your call.View Detail
Aussie Husky mix born 4-13-23 call xxxx
Sweet Aussie-Husky mix puppies; 2 girls and one boy. They have been dewormed, 1st shots, and vet checked. Mom is a 50 lb husky. Dad is a 40 lb. Aussie. Puppies were born April 13th. The puppies are social and love playing with children. They are active and will bring loads of fun into your life. Puppies are located in Holton MI between Muskegon and Fremont, one hour north of Grand Rapids. For more information, or to come meet the puppies, call xxxx. Brooklyn has one blue eye and one dark eye. She is a little shy, but very playful. sold Brittany has two blue eyes. She is more energetic and very playful. Beamer is our only little boy. He has 2 brown eyes. He is a little shy, but loves to play and snuggle.View Detail
F1B non-shedding Cavapoos Born 4-18-23 xxx-xxx-xxxx
Sweet little cavapoos, F1B non-shedding. We have 3 males and 3 females. Puppies are available to be seen by calling xxx xxx xxx2. Cavapoos are $250. Puppies are located in Holton, MI between Fremont and Muskegon, about one hour north of Grand Rapids. They have been vet checked, dewormed, and first shots on 5-18-23. Puppies are available to go to their new forever homes. Come meet these adorable little ones. ****************************************************************** Cavapoos born 4-18-23 Sweet little cavapoos born April 18, 2023. These little sweethearts are socialized and very snuggly. They are F1B non shedding. Puppies have been vet checked, dewormed, and 1st shots. Parents are Jen and Reddy. males are $250. Jordan is the largest male. He is light brown. Jasper is a dark red. He is larger with a little white on forehead and chest. sold Joey is light red with white on forehead. He is small. sold Jake is a small, dark red little boy. sold Janice These precious little puppies are located in Holton, MI, between Muskegon and Fremont, one hour north of Grand Rapids. For more information, or to come see these little ones, call xxx xxx xxx2 or text xxx xxx xxx5. ********************************* Milkyway and Reddy have a new little litter born May 31, 2023. These sweet little ones have been vet checked, dewormed, and 1st shots. Mom is 10 lbs. Dad is 17 lbs. Marty is a brown male. He is adventurous and wants to explore. Murphy is the only black in this litter. sold Mocha is a lighter brown female. She is very calm and snuggly. Megan is a darker brown female . Come meet our newest little cockapoos. They are $250 eachView Detail
Sasha cavapoo female, born Jan 8th. call xxx xxx xxx2
Sasha is an adorable little cavapoo born Jan 8th. She should be around 17 lbs. She was vet checked at 8 weeks. For more information, or to come meet this wonderful little girl, call xxxxxxxxxx. She needs her new loving forever home now. Sasha is located north of Holton, MI between Muskegon and Fremont, one hour north of Grand Rapids.View Detail
Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky Cross born 3-19 call xxxxxxxxxx
Sweet Alaskan malamute, Siberian Husky Cross puppies looking for their forever homes. 3 females and 2 males born March 19th. They have had their 1st shots. Puppies have blue eyes. They are socialized and friendly. They are active and fun to watch. One is very calm like her mom.\ \ \ \ Puppies are located between Fremont and Muskegon, one hour north of Grand Rapids, MI. For more information, or to come meet the puppies, please call xxxxxxxxxx. If no answer, leave your message and someone will return your call.View Detail
Cavapoos fb non-shedding born 4-3-23. Call xxx xxx xxx2
Sweet little cavapoos, F1B non-shedding. We have 3 males and 3 females. Puppies are available to be seen by calling xxxxxxxxxx. Puppies are located in Holton, MI between Fremont and Muskegon, about one hour north of Grand Rapids. They have been vet checked, dewormed, and first shots on 5-18-23. Puppies are available to go to their new forever homes. Come meet these adorable little ones. Males are $600; Rooky is light red Rocky is black with white on the bottom of his paws and white on chest. He is very friendly. Robby is black with white on his chest Females are $850; Rita is light red Rose is a large black with white on chest. Her fur is curly. she is very active. Roma is small and black with white on chest.View Detail
Purebred Yorkshire puppies born March 20, 2023. Call xxxxxxxxxx
4 adorable, loving purebred Yorky females born March 20, 2023. Puppies are socialized and looking for loving forever homes. They are located between Fremont and Holton, one hour north of Grand Rapids, MI. Parents are purebred Yorkshire Terriers between 5 and 6 lbs. For more information, or to come see the puppies, call xxxxxxxxxx. If no answer, leave a message and someone will return your call. 1. Martha is medium size. She is calm, social, friendly and adorable, She loves being in a warm, loving lap. 2. Missy is the biggest. She is active, friendly, and sociable. She is a snuggler. 3. Mabel is the smallest. She is very calm and cuddly. Mabel is friendly and sociable, waiting for a lap to cuddle in. 4. Miranda is medium size. she is a live wire, friendly and sociable. She will entertain with her lively antics. Available to go to their new homes on May 15th. Will be vet checked.View Detail
Yorkipoos, born Feb 16. Located in Holton, MI. call xxx xxx xxx2
Three little males and two little females are waiting for their loving forever homes. Puppies have been vet checked, utd on shots and deworming. They are socialized and good with children. Mom is a yorkie. Dad is a poodle (Reddy). Pups are located in Holton, MI between Muskegon and Fremont, about one hour north of Grand Rapids. For more information, or to come see the puppies, call xxxxxxxxxx or text xxx xxx xxx5. If no answer, leave a message. At vet check at 9 weeks: Buster is a5 lbs 2 oz male. He is the largest puppy. He is black. Buddie is a4 lb male. He is more brown than black Bunnie is a 3.8 lb male. He is black and brown sold Bessie is a 2.8 lbs female. she is brown and black. Beanie is a 2.8 lb female. She is black.View Detail
Purebred toy red poodle female, 9 months old. call xxxxxxxxxx
Sheba is a purebred toy red poodle. She is an inside pup. Sheba is partially housebroken, use to children, very friendly, active, and crate trained. She is located in Holton, MI between Muskegon and Fremont, about one hour north of Grand Rapids. She is ready for a new loving, forever home. Her fur is soft. She loves to cuddle and wants to please. For more information, or to come see her, call xxxxxxxxxx. If no answer, leave a message and they will return your call.View Detail
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Holton
American Pit Bull Terrier, Australian Shepherd, Airedale Terrier, Alaskan Malamute, Bichon Frise, Cavapoo, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, Old English Bulldog, Pug, Poodle, Pomeranian, Shiba Inu, YorkiePoo, Yorkshire Terrier