Recently Adopted Puppies Near Southern Oregon
Goldendoodle Puppies
I have 3 beautiful male GOLDENDOODLE puppies for sale. They were born on July 12, 23. They are current with all their shots and worming, also have had their dew claws removed. They are such sweet boys as they have had lots of loving attention!View Detail
Goldendoodle Puppies for Sale
Beautiful 7 week old Goldendoodle puppies for sale. They have been held and handled lovingly since their birth on July 12,23. They will be sold having had their first shots, wormed and vet checked. 8 males and 2 females available.View Detail
Mini Golden Doodle Puppies
Three mini golden doodle puppies for sale. One female, two males. Ready for forever homes late August or early September. Asking $800 or make us an offer.View Detail
Rottweiler puppies; Great family dogs, loyal, faithful
Mother AKC German Rottweiler. Father lab. Seven puppies; Tails docked, dewclaws, first shots, 2nd worming. 5 females, 2 males. Healthy and eating VERY well. Raised with cats and livestock. Call 541 xxx-xxxx, leave message if not avail.(Grants Pass area)View Detail
Mini-Golden Doodle
I have four adorable mini-golden doodle puppies for sale, ready to go to their forever homes mid-February. Asking $1000 Or Best Offer. Two black males. One black female with white chest spot. One creamy golden female. Detail
AKC German Shorthaired Pointer (Male)
Thor is a beautiful four year old, AKC, male German Shorthaired Pointer. He is solid black and intact. He is very a very affectionate and loves individual attention.View Detail
Puppies have been vaccinated. There are 5 females and 1 male available. The pups coloring varies between shades of brown an black. Email, call or text. These will be great family pets. Both the mom and dad are excellent around all ages of people. Both the Sire and Dam are Aussie-Doodles. The father has more of the Australian Shepard build and appearance. The mother looks like a standard Poodle. Both the Sire and Dam are available to be seen with the puppy's. A booster shot will be administered upon sale if requested.View Detail
Breeds of Puppies Available For Sale in Southern Oregon
Golden Doodle, German Shorthaired Pointer, Goldendoodle, Rottweiler, Aussie Doodles