Small Adorable Male Yorkie Terrier. 14 wks old 3 puppy, Alot Cuter in Person..
Miniature Schnauzer’s ready to be re-homed
Females - White - purebred
Vaccines &..
I have 1 male and 6 females. They are going for 750. Have there first shots and tails are..
Lucky he is 12 weeks old AKC registration. He’s very smart, friendly , cute lovely good..
Romeo was born December 14, 2023. He is an 8 months old pure breed CKC certified male. He..
1 girl left she's 8 weeks old has not had shots yet she is dewormed ready for her forever..
6 of the cutest fur balls. They are 8 weeks old. Looking for a loving home. Only serious ..
We have Adorable shih tzu Puppies for Adoption to any lovely and caring home to show them..
I have 1 male and 6 females. They are going for 750. Have there first shots and tails are..
I have two beautiful shih tzu puppies. They are 12 weeks old. Great pups, very healthy an..
Available shih tzu Beautiful she has had a belly hernia repaired and is doing fine. They ..
Male puppy was born 6/06/2024 very playful pup and loves kids. Been potty training to mak..
Shih tzu puppies.They are home trained and very playful. They are well socialized with ch..
I have 5 crème females available.
They were born Oct 8.
Mom is a AKC standard poodle a..
Two adorable shih tzu puppies for adoption. Father is a purebred shih tzu . Contact us at..
AKC shih tzu Puppies. All my puppies have very sweet personality. They are already going ..
Shih Tzu puppy pictures (3 boys and one girl).They cared for with love are raised in hous..
Here I am, I'm Amour! I am a one-of-a-kind Shih Tzu! I have a laid-back personality and a..
I have 3 female puppy pugs available. They are 9 weeks old and have received 1st set of s..
Meet Chloe, the cuddliest, sweetest Shinese girl!
She is such a ball of sunshine! She is..
We have beautiful and Cute SHIH TZU Puppie.s need to locate lovely and caring home .t..
My name is Heaven!!! I’m 4 months young. I’m beautiful, smart, and I like to pl..
Beautiful blonds, tri’s, and dilute male and female puppies available extra small dad i..
Apri registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tai..
Say hello to Dolly, our sweet 12-week-old female Shih Tzu puppy! With her fluffy coat and..
All black male
White with gold female
Ready September 20th with
New owner CKC paper..
We have beautiful and Cute SHIH TZU Puppies need to locate lovely and caring home .th..
black and brown Female six months owner is looking for a nice home for puppy.Owner can no..
Awesome male black and white. We have the best Basenjis. Call for all references and base..
Adorable Healthy Rough Collie Puppies! Ready for adoption 1/1/25. Both parents- AKC Re..
We have a litter of Nine beautiful
Standard poodle puppies born on
November 5th 2024. W..
We have 100% Golden Retrievers AKC registered puppies. Puppies are so playful ready to po..