Puppy is three months old, he has gotten all necessary vaccines for his age, he can be ve..
Beautiful puppies with firsts shots and deworming.
7 weeks old...
Healthy puppies with their firsts shots and deworming 3 months old...
6 week old french bulldog puppies. Litler of 8, six females and 2 males. AKC registered. ..
First shot and dewormed very playful and loving puppies looking for a new home..
Shih Tzu puppies ready to go to a new home they have their first set of shots and dewarm..
Hi my name is shitzu im male u have 7 weeks ago i want to go your home I hope like you..
we are delighted to announce that our loved Shih Tzu Luna had puppies, we have available ..
Healthy puppies with their firsts shots and deworming 3 months old...
She too, Maltese cross female 12 weeks t-cup.
hyper allergenic non-shedding
Sweet and e..
4 shih tzu Chihuahua mix puppies 2 boys 2 girls left 9 weeks old no shots potty trained r..
Very cute, loving, age: 8 wks. Male and females. White and black male, brown abd face ..
Black Shihtzu puppy, 1 male left. First shots 8-1-24. Parents on site. Price is negotiabl..
2 male dogs verry start play full estrong and follow order they like to play in water per..
She is a beautiful girl, is very intelligent and playful...
Beautiful shih tzu puppies for sale, they eat solid already,, first vaccine done, first m..
These adorable purebred AKC puppies are ready for their new home!..
Beautiful, playful 2 months old Shih Tzu. Text me at xxx-xxx-xxxx. Located in xxxx..
1female cream small
1male cream big rope
Mom is a platinum
Dad a Merle big rope
I have 3 puppies 1 girl 2 boys they are 2 months. Born May 25th they have had there first..
Hazel is four years old weighs 9 pounds. She is chocolate with one White paw.
She is c..
She is trained, and she is very playful.
Is vaccinated...
For the information,
The shih Tzu is a female dog and she’s vaccinated and kinda train..
We have 6 beautiful babies looking for their forever home! A perfect Christmas gift,.. Re..
Happy,playful, adorable, healthy Shih Tzu pup. Very energetic. And intelligent. Makes a g..
These are very cute small puppy
Shih tzu mix with Pekingese
They’re 2 months old
3 months cute pups
With vaccinations
No allergies
Just playfull
As it is o..
I have 2 boys 10 weeks old ready to go they are UTD on vaccines and dewormer very social ..
My dogs had an unexpected litter ,i have 3 16weeks girls who need a wonderful home..
I have 5 Boston terrier, with some Frenchie puppies. There all black white and Brindle. L..
These pups are almost three months old. I have two males and one female left. The one wit..
Ready to go home home to the forever home. For more information On the puppies, you can g..