Recently Adopted Shih Tzu Puppies Near Wayne County
Rare Lilac blue Shih Tzu
medium blue shade of lilac. ACA registration papers coming. Shots, wormed, vet checked healthy. He is a happy bouncy puppy. Parents are 12 lb. See him in Clyde NY. Text or call xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Shihchon born 11-28-23
1 girl left. She has a cute face, slightly timid, with a gentle personality. She is quite tall, and will get 16 lb grown. Soft non-shedding coat, dew claws done for ease of grooming. gold/white female is medium energy. Shots, wormed, vet checked healthy. Mother is chunky 20 lb, father 14 lb. Shih Tzu/Japanese Chin. Clyde NY xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Lavender Shih Tzu Puppies
Rare color Lavender and blue Shih Tzu males. They have some of the blue gene alopecia. The one has shorter hair over the colored part of his back also. He is $300. Parents are 10- 12 lbs. They can be seen in Clyde NY. or I may be able to meet in Syracuse. xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
Maltese shitzu Pomeranian pups
Puppies for sale located near lyons ny Maltese pomeranian shitzu mix hyperallegenic soooo cute starting at 1000 3 boys they are 6 wks ready to leave at 8 wks dewormed shots taught to eat hard food and mostly puppy pad potty trained please call me if interested xxxxxxxxxx you can come meet them and all i say is a collar to hold your puppy if you choose one no deposit I know alot of scammers have broken trust with pups including getting me thanks for your timeView Detail
Shichi puppies for sale
These are shichi puppies. Mom is chihuahua and dad is shi tzu. We have 1 female and 2 males. They will be ready to go on September 17th, after vet check,vaccinations and deworming. They will come with a puppy care kit. Please call Pam to set up a time to meet them. Parents are on premises. Call landline at (315) xxx-xxxx, no emails please.View Detail