Recently Adopted Toy Poodle Puppies Near Wichita
Toy poodle puppy
Lila is a small toy poodle..she weighs 1 lb 10 ozs at 8 weeks old.She will be smaller than her parents. Her mom is a white 8 lb toy poodle and dad a dark sable 10 lb toy poodle. Lila has her tail docked and dewclaws removed.. she is puppy pad training and crate training.. Had her first vaccine and deworming at 6 weeks. She is ready for a new forever home.View Detail
Tiny toy poodle
Baby is a tiny toy poodle.. she is only 1lb at weeks. She is the runt!! Mom is a white 8 lb white toy and dad is a 10 lb dark sable toy.. both are my pets. She has her tail docked and dewclaws removed.. started on puppy pad training and crate training. She has had her 1st vaccine and deworming. There is a $300 deposit to hold herView Detail