Recently Adopted Yorkshire Terrier Puppies Near Atoka
i’m needing to sell my male yorkie, he was born april 2 of this year. he weighs 6 pounds, he’s up to date on all of his shots, has been dewormed has had his tail docked and he’s registered with ACA. i have a smaller female dog that recently hurt her leg and he’s too playful with her. he needs a loving home where he’s free to play and gets the attention he deserves❤️ pm if your interested, he’s a very sweet pup.View Detail
ADORABLE Miniature Yorkie Puppies -3 months old
There are two males and one female born on 08-08-16. They have been raised in my home and I have started house training with puppy pads. Adult weight should be around 5 to 6 lbs. and shots are up-to-date. Pictures of parents are also available. Text or call xxx-xxx-xxxx.View Detail