Recently Adopted Yorkshire Terrier Puppies Near Chemung County
Puppies 8weeks old Yorkie / coton
Yorkie and Coton puppies are 8 weeks almost 9 weeks. They are sweet and cuddlyView Detail
Yorkie/ coton puppies 8 weeks
April is a buff colored little pup weighing 2 lbs at 8 weeks.View Detail
Tiny Teacup Yorkie Puppy
Tiny Teacup Yorkie puppy. He is 12 wks old and 14 oz. He will be around 3 lbs fully grown. He is very tiny. He is just the cutest little thing. This pup will be black and tan in coloring when full grown. He is very short bodied and fits in the palm of your hand. His mother is 4 lbs and father is 2.5 lbs. He has started potty training. This Yorkie comes with one year health guarantee and is up to date on his shots. He's a very gentle, sweet and playful little boy. He is up to date with his shots and ready for his new home. Text:xxx-xxx-xxxx Email:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail