Recently Adopted Yorkshire Terrier Puppies Near Friona
Tiny Female Yorkie
Hello, this tiny little girl is 8 weeks old. She currently weighs 2 lbs. She is very sweet and lovable and kills you with kisses. She eats dry dog food and drinks water. She has been using her pee pads. She is current on vaccinations, dewormed, and will come with a health record. She is not registered and her tail is not docked. She has her natural beautiful tail.View Detail
Tiny Parti Male Yorkie
Hello, this tiny bundle of love needs a home. He is a parti Yorkie and currently weighs a little over 2 lbs. He is tiny and timid, eats dry dog food and drinks water like a big boy. He is 8 weeks old. He will come with a health record, first vaccine, and dewormed. He is not registered, and his tail is not docked. He has his natural, beautiful tail.View Detail
Parti Yorkies ready for new home!
Hello, I have 2 male parti Yorkies ready for a new home. They are 8 weeks old, current on vaccinations and dewormed. Puppies will come with a health record. They are not registered, and tails are not docked. They are sweet, lovable little bundles of love. They are used to being held and love to follow you around.View Detail