Recently Adopted Yorkshire Terrier Puppies Near Wilkesboro
Yorker, (party)
He is beautiful and very loving. He is 7 weeks old.View Detail
Petitie is a sweet little boy. He is registered and very healthy. Looking for the perfect..
Apri registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tai..
We have 1 Black/Tan male &1 Parti Yorkie male available. The Black/Tan Yorkie will li..
3 beautiful male yorkie pups left for rehoming. Please message me if interested..
He is beautiful and very loving. He is 7 weeks old...
We have 1 Black/Tan male &1 Parti Yorkie male available. The Black/Tan Yorkie will li..
Beautiful parti Yorkies for sale. Prefect for Christmas, they will be ready for pick up t..
I'm an adorable Yorkie puppy, and I'm wagging my tiny tail with excitement, hoping you..
1 female and 2 males. Purbred parents onsite. Traditional tan and black, mom is part colo..
Selling a boy fullbred mini yorkshire terrier. He’s 7 weeks. dewclaws removed, tails do..
Adorable Yorkshire Terrier male
Will mature at about 4.5 to 5lb
Multi champion bloo..
Have female yorkies puppies . They are all females will be ready after Christmas..will ha..
Teacup Yorkie puppies
2 girls and 1 boy at $1500. Our babies have been handled since bir..
Are you looking to buy a Yorkshire Terrier puppy in Wilkesboro, North Carolina? Look no further! At PetzLover, you can find adorable Yorkshire Terrier puppies available for sale from certified breeders. We ensure transparency around the price and the health of our puppies so that you can make a confident choice.
The price of Yorkshire Terrier puppies typically ranges from $1,500 to $3,500, depending on factors such as the breeder's reputation, the puppy's lineage, and any additional certifications. It's vital to remember that investing in a quality puppy will ensure that you bring home a healthy companion.
Yorkshire Terrier puppies are small in size, usually weighing between 4 to 7 pounds. They grow to about 8 to 9 inches tall, making them the perfect choice for apartment living. They are known for their stunning colors, primarily consisting of a combination of blue and tan. Other variations may include darker shades of black or lighter shades of gold as they mature.
When you're ready to adopt a Yorkshire Terrier puppy, check our listings above or contact us for more information. You can also explore other breeds, such as Chihuahuas, Chiweenies, and Pekingese that are also available for sale in Wilkesboro.
Don't miss out on bringing home the perfect furry friend! Feel free to reach out to us at with any questions or inquiries about our wonderful Yorkshire Terrier puppies.
Browse our detailed listings to find the right puppy for you!
He is beautiful and very loving. He is 7 weeks old.View Detail