Recently Adopted Yorkshire Terrier Puppies Near Cherokee County
Registered silver silky yorkie
Male born June 27,2022 weighing .21 lbs at birth and currently only 2 lbs. his momma is 4.9 lbs and daddy is 4 lbs so his estimated adult size is below 5 lbs. I will not allow him to be placed in homes with small children or larger animals. This breed requires lots of time and attention but in return has so much love to share! He has had his first set of shots his wormer and his dew claws and tail clipped. He’s ready for his forever home. Serious inquiries only! I will not finance and no holds! I can meet within a2 hour radius of my home for an extra fee. I can accept cashapp, Venmo, Zelle, PayPal or cash only! Call or text xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail