Shichon AKA Teddy Bears
Pilot Hill Teddy Bear Puppies
Beautiful Rottweiler Serbian Bloodline Fur Babies were born December 4,2024. They will be..
Akc registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tail..
Adorable puppies ready to go home end of January. 5 females and 4 males avaliable. They'r..
Beautiful tiny male Shihpoo Baby will steal your heart. He will be ready middle of Sept. ..
Pure-bred pomeranian 7 week old merle-sable,she is AKC registered. The Dad weighs around ..
I have 6 male CKC Shih Tzu puppies, adorable fur babies, non shedding, Health Warranty, a..
White female American bullies They are very sweet loving and loyal dogs.Their very smart...
Akc registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tail..
Beautiful purbred pomeranian puppy registered 14 weeks old male Paddington, he is Merle s..
2 blue eyes
Tails dock
Dew claws removed
Both parents on site can send pict..
Tail dock
Dew claws removed
Will be vetted at 6 weeks
Ready for pick up Jul..
White female American bully puppies . They are 9 weeks old. Come with first and second sh..
11 weeks old 2 boys 2 girls, they have first shots and wormed! Totally Hypoallergenic (No..
AKC registered chocolate female tiny toy poodle. Dew claws have been removed and tail is ..
AKC registered tiny toy male poodle for sale. Tail has been docked and dew claws removed...
3 males
1 female
Mother Yorkshire terrier
Father chihuahua
12 days old.
Meet Valentino a very sweet male AKC puppy. Runt of the litter. UTD on shots comes with a..
Beautiful Tiny, Red Malti-poo puppy. BBB Accredited Breeder with A+ Rating for over 12 ye..
Great Pyrenees Puppies
Only 2 Pure White Males left
$350.00 rehoming fee
Adorable tiny male chocolate phantom toy poodle charting to be 4 pounds. First shot, worm..
AKC Registered litter of Miniature American Shepherds aka: Mini Aussies born 12/19/2021. ..
Born Thanksgiving day 2021. I have 3 black labs and 1 chocolate left. Males and females a..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...
Beautiful tiny red male toy poodle puppy, will be ready middle feb.and will have first sh..
AKC Registered Golden Retriever Puppies looking for thier forever home. These babies will..
15 week old puppy is up to date on shots ,dewormed, had a vet wellness check up at 5 xxxx..
We are a small family farm where we’ve used our dogs with cattle and just loved them as..
1 male available Gorgeous black & silver male Carlos- AVAILABLE Beautiful black &a..
2 males are available. At xxxx, we are dedicated to raising exceptional poodles that brin..
AKC registered 3 month old puppies. They are smart, sweet, affectionate, and loyal. They ..